Language "OCaml Light" #1 Lexical conventions
## Identifiers
Lexis I : ident ::= capitalized-ident | lowercase-ident CI : capitalized-ident ::= uppercase ( uppercase | lowercase | decimal | '_' | '\'' )* LI : lowercase-ident ::= lowercase ( uppercase | lowercase | decimal | '_' | '\'' )* | '_' ( uppercase | lowercase | decimal | '_' | '\'' )+ // restricted to exclude the keyword '_' used in patterns uppercase ::= 'A'-'Z' lowercase ::= 'a'-'z' decimal ::= '0'-'9' Semantics id[[ _:ident ]] : ids
## Integer literals
Syntax IL : integer-literal ::= '-'? _ natural-literal NL : natural-literal ::= decimal-plus | ('0x'|'0X') hexadecimal-plus | ('0o'|'0O') octal-plus | ('0b'|'0B') binary-plus Lexis DP : decimal-plus ::= decimal+ HP : hexadecimal-plus ::= ( decimal | 'A'-'F' | 'a'-'f' )+ OP : octal-plus ::= ( '0'-'7' )+ BP : binary-plus ::= ( '0'|'1' )+ Semantics integer-value[[ _:integer-literal ]] : =>implemented-integers
integer-value[[ '-' NL ]] = integer-negate(integer-value[[ NL ]]) Rule integer-value[[ DP ]] = implemented-integer decimal-natural(\"DP\")
## Floating-point literals
Syntax FL : float-literal ::= '-'? _ non-negative-float-literal NNFL : non-negative-float-literal ::= decimal-plus _ '.' _ decimal-plus | decimal-plus _ '.' | decimal-plus _ '.' _ decimal-plus _ float-exponent | decimal-plus _ '.' _ float-exponent | decimal-plus _ float-exponent FE : float-exponent ::= ('e'|'E') _ ('+'|'-')? _ decimal-plus
[[ DP1 '.' DP2 ]] : non-negative-float-literal = [[ DP1 '.' DP2 'e' '1' ]] Rule [[ DP '.' ]] : non-negative-float-literal = [[ DP '.' '0' 'e' '1' ]] Rule [[ DP '.' FE ]] : non-negative-float-literal = [[ DP '.' '0' FE ]] Rule [[ DP FE ]] : non-negative-float-literal = [[ DP '.' '0' FE ]] Rule [[ 'e' '+' DP ]] : float-exponent = [[ 'e' DP ]] Rule [[ 'E' '+' DP ]] : float-exponent = [[ 'e' DP ]] Rule [[ 'E' '-' DP ]] : float-exponent = [[ 'e' '-' DP ]]
Semantics float-value[[ _:float-literal ]] : =>implemented-floats
float-value[[ '-' NNFL ]] = float-negate(implemented-floats-format, float-value[[ NNFL]]) Rule float-value[[ DP1 '.' DP2 'e' DP3 ]] = decimal-float( implemented-floats-format, \"DP1\", \"DP2\", \"DP3\") Rule float-value[[ DP1 '.' DP2 'e' '-' DP3 ]] = decimal-float( implemented-floats-format, \"DP1\", \"DP2\", cons('-', \"DP3\"))
## Character literals
Syntax CL : char-literal ::= '\'' _ regular-char _ '\'' | '\'' _ escape-sequence _ '\'' ES : escape-sequence ::= '\\' _ escaped-char | '\\' _ escaped-char-code Lexis RC : regular-char ::= ~ ( '\'' | '\\' ) EC : escaped-char ::= '\\' | '"' | '\'' | 'n' | 't' | 'b' | 'r' | ' ' ECC : escaped-char-code ::= decimal decimal decimal Semantics character-value[[ _:char-literal ]] : =>implemented-characters
character-value[[ '\'' RC '\'' ]] = ascii-character(\"RC\") Rule character-value[[ '\'' ES '\'' ]] = capture[[ ES ]]
Semantics capture[[ _:escape-sequence ]] : implemented-characters
capture[[ '\' '\' ]] = backslash Rule capture[[ '\' '\'' ]] = '\'' Rule capture[[ '\' 'n' ]] = line-feed Rule capture[[ '\' 't' ]] = horizontal-tab Rule capture[[ '\' 'b' ]] = backspace Rule capture[[ '\' 'r' ]] = carriage-return Rule capture[[ '\' ECC ]] = checked implemented-character unicode-character decimal-natural(\"ECC\")
## String literals
Syntax SL : string-literal ::= '"' _ string-character-star _ '"' SCS : string-character-star ::= string-character _ string-character-star | ( ) SC : string-character ::= regular-string-char | escape-sequence // | '\\' _ '\n' _ (' '|'\t')* Lexis RSC : regular-string-char ::= ~ ('"' | '\\') Semantics string-value[[ _:string-literal ]] : =>implemented-strings
string-value[[ '"' SCS '"' ]] = checked implemented-string [ string-chars[[ SCS ]] ]
Semantics string-chars[[ _:string-character-star ]] : =>implemented-characters*
string-chars[[ ]] = Rule string-chars[[ SC SCS ]] = string-capture[[ SC ]], string-chars[[ SCS ]]
Semantics string-capture[[ _:string-character ]] : implemented-characters
string-capture[[ RSC ]] = ascii-character(\"RSC\") Rule string-capture[[ ES ]] = capture[[ ES ]]
## Prefix and infix symbols
Lexis // infix-symbol // ::= ( '=' | '<' | '>' | '@' | '^' | '|' // | '&' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '$' | '%' ) operator-char* PS : prefix-symbol ::= '!' operator-char* | ('?'|'~') operator-char+ operator-char ::= '!' | '$' | '%' | '&' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '.' | '/' | ':' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '?' | '@' | '^' | '|' | '~' operator-char-not-asterisk ::= '!' | '$' | '%' | '&' | '+' | '-' | '.' | '/' | ':' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '?' | '@' | '^' | '|' | '~' operator-char-not-bar ::= '!' | '$' | '%' | '&' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '.' | '/' | ':' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '?' | '@' | '^' | '~' operator-char-not-ampersand ::= '!' | '$' | '%' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '.' | '/' | ':' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '?' | '@' | '^' | '|' | '~'
## Keywords
::= 'and' | 'as' | 'assert' | 'asr' | 'begin' | 'class'
| 'constraint' | 'do' | 'done' | 'downto' | 'else' | 'end'
| 'exception' | 'external' | 'false' | 'for' | 'fun' | 'function'
| 'functor' | 'if' | 'in' | 'include' | 'inherit' | 'initializer'
| 'land' | 'lazy' | 'let' | 'lor' | 'lsl' | 'lsr'
| 'lxor' | 'match' | 'method' | 'mod' | 'module' | 'mutable'
| 'new' | 'nonrec' | 'object' | 'of' | 'open' | 'or'
| 'private' | 'rec' | 'sig' | 'struct' | 'then' | 'to'
| 'true' | 'try' | 'type' | 'val' | 'virtual' | 'when'
| 'while' | 'with'
`float-value[[ _ ]]` is unspecified if the literal value is not representable in `floats(implemented-floats-format)`.