Language "SIMPLE"

  The SIMPLE language is described in the following publication:
    K Overview and SIMPLE Case Study.
    Grigore Rosu and Traian Florin Serbanuta.
    K'11, ENTCS 304, pp 3-56, 2014.

  Our CBS definition does not include the concurrency aspects of SIMPLE, as
  fundamental constructs for concurrency are not yet available in the funcon
  repository, but all other SIMPLE language constructs are specified.

  Note that our defintion uses a more precise abstract syntax grammar than
  presented in the above publication.  In particular, rather than allowing
  arbitrary expressions as variable declarators and l-expressions, we introduce
  specialised productions.  We also make use of "?" (optional) to avoid the
  need for multiple productions for variations of the same syntactic construct.  

  START : start ::= pgm
  start[[_:start]] : =>values
  start[[ Pgm ]] = 
    initialise-binding initialise-storing initialise-giving
    finalise-failing finalise-throwing
      run[[ Pgm ]]

  #1 Lexical Syntax
  #2 Expressions
  #3 Statements
  #4 Declarations
  #5 Programs
  #A Disambiguation

/* CBS-beta/Languages-beta/SIMPLE/SIMPLE-cbs released 2018-07-07

* Status: 
  - abstract syntax:   complete, derived from [K Overview and SIMPLE Case Study]
  - dynamic semantics: complete except for concurrency constructs
  - static semantics:  not specified
  - disambiguation:    incomplete
* Tests:
  - 53 small programs
  - high coverage (to be verified)
* Evolution:
  - initial version
* References:
  [K Overview and SIMPLE Case Study]:
* Keywords: 
  - imperative, illustrative, simple, disambiguation, K framework
* Main contributors:
  - Thomas van Binsbergen, Peter Mosses, Neil Sculthorpe
