Language "SL"

  // SL-specific funcons
  Funcon sl-to-string
  Funcon integer-add-else-string-append
  // Abbreviations
  Funcon int
  Funcon bool
  Funcon str
  Funcon obj
  Funcon fun
  // Further funcons
  //   Binding
  Funcon scope-closed
  //   Local variables
  Funcon initialise-local-variables
  Funcon local-variable
  Funcon local-variable-initialise
  Funcon local-variable-assign
  //   Global bindings
  Funcon initialise-global-bindings
  Funcon override-global-bindings
  Funcon global-bound
  //   Composite input and output
  Funcon read-line
  Funcon print-line

# SL-specific funcons

  sl-to-string(V:sl-values) : => strings
  sl-to-string(null-value) ~> "null"
  sl-to-string(V:~null-type) ~> to-string(V)

Funcon   integer-add-else-string-append(V1:sl-values, V2:sl-values) : => sl-values
   ~> else(
        integer-add(int V1, int V2),
        string-append(sl-to-string V1, sl-to-string V2))

# Abbreviations

Funcon  int(V:sl-values) : => integers
    ~> checked cast-to-type(V, integers)

Funcon  bool(V:sl-values) : => booleans
    ~> checked cast-to-type(V, booleans)

Funcon  str(V:sl-values) : => strings
    ~> checked cast-to-type(V, strings)

Funcon  obj(V:sl-values) : => objects
    ~> checked cast-to-type(V, objects)

Funcon  fun(V:values) : => functions(_, _)
    ~> checked cast-to-type(V, functions(_, _))

# Further funcons

  Some of the funcons defined below might be sufficiently reuseful for
  inclusion in Funcons-beta.

## Binding

Funcon  scope-closed(Env:envs, X:=>T) : => T
   ~> closed scope(Env, X)
  `scope-closed(D, X)` evaluates `D` in the current environment, then
  evaluates `X` in the resulting environment. Note the difference between
  `scope-closed(D, X)` and `closed(scope(D, X))`: the latter is equivalent
  to `closed(scope(closed D, X))`, where `D` cannot reference any bindings.

## Local variables

  The local variable map is stored in a variable bound to "local-variables".
  Initialising a local variable updates the stored local variable map. 
  Subsequent assignments to a local variable do not change the stored map.

Funcon  initialise-local-variables : => environments
   ~> bind("local-variables", 
        allocate-initialised-variable(environments, map( )))

Funcon  local-variable(I:ids) : => variables
   ~> checked lookup(assigned bound "local-variables", I)

Funcon  local-variable-initialise(I:ids, V:values) : => null-type
   ~> assign(bound "local-variables", 
          { I |-> allocate-initialised-variable(values, V) },
          assigned bound "local-variables"))

Funcon  local-variable-assign(I:ids, V:values) : => null-type
   ~> else(
        assign(local-variable I, V),
        local-variable-initialise(I, V))

## Global bindings

  The global bindings map is stored in a variable bound to "global-bindings". 
  Global declaration or redeclaration of an identifier involves updating the
  stored global environment.

Funcon  initialise-global-bindings : => environments
    ~>  bind("global-bindings", 
          allocate-initialised-variable(environments, map( )))

Funcon  override-global-bindings(E:environments) : => null-type
    ~> assign(bound "global-bindings",
         map-override(E, assigned bound "global-bindings"))

Funcon  global-bound(I:ids) : => values
    ~>  checked lookup(assigned bound "global-bindings", I)

## Composite input and output

Funcon  read-line : => strings
   ~> give(read,
        if-true-else(is-eq(given, '\n'),
          cons(given, read-line)))
  `read-line` reads characters from the standard input until a linefeed
  character, giving the string formed from the sequence of characters
  excluding the newline. If the input ends before the end of the line,
  it fails.

Funcon  print-line(S:strings) : => null-type
   ~> print(S, "\n")