
Beta-release of the CBS framework

CBS-beta on


Browsing specification pages offline

  1. Clone or download a zip of the current plancomps project site on Github, or download a zip of a recent snapshot.

  2. The start web page for a language L is:


    For example:


  3. The start web page for Funcons-beta is:


The links to non-CBS pages in the menu, headers, and footers do not work when browsing the cloned/downloaded files locally. However, the corresponding MarkDown files can be browsed with a text editor or a Markdown previewer.

Browsing the complete CBS-beta site offline

Using Jekyll:

  1. Clone or download a zip of the current plancomps project site on Github, or download a zip of a recent snapshot.

  2. Run the following command in a terminal from the unzipped folder:

    bundle exec jekyll serve --port 4000 --host localhost

    4000 and localhost are the defaults when not specified.

  3. Open a web browser at http://localhost:4000/CBS-beta/.

Stop the local server with Control-C when no longer needed.

Using Python:

  1. Download a zip of a recent snapshot.

  2. Run one of the following commands in a terminal from the _site sub-folder.

    For Python2:

    python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

    For Python3:

    python3 -m http.server 8000 --bind localhost

    8000 and localhost are the defaults when not specified. (If neither python2 nor python3 is available, try python.)

  3. Open a web browser at http://localhost:8000/CBS-beta/.

Stop the local server with Control-C when no longer needed.